Dear Mr. Gatot and All Milis members
Greetings from Hyde Park London
I am proud because our program of Long Distance Learning has been promoted
and broadcasted by the BBC here in London. Thanks to the support of Mr.
Gatot and the School Council of SMKN 8 Makassar.

Confirmed from Makassar the latest lessons for the 1st. year students of
Culinary and Hotel Accommodation Department; click here ; an introduction to The History of Service and
Type of Services, by Mr. Franklin Nanuwasa

More lessons will be uploaded soon and also my latest experiences from
London; welcoming the second batch of SMKN 8 Makassar students who will
replace my friends Gumieq, Wenny, Dolly, Nurbaity, Fatmawati and Titik.

We gonna show who we are……INDONESIA and I am proud to be an Indonesian

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