abstraktna trieda A, ma potomka B, ktory je tiez abstraktny a posledna je
trieda C1 az C4 co su potomkovania A, a C5 az C8 su potomkovia B. konretne
je objekt s id 4667772 je typu C5. getIds je Vector premennych typu Long.


--------- Original Message --------
From: Java <konference@java.cz>
To: Java <konference@java.cz>
Subject: RE: pouzitie discriminator v Hibernate
Date: 10/06/08 18:44

> a jakeho typu je ten objekt s id 4667772? neni problem v tom getId()?
> ________________________________________
> ....:Object with id: 4667772 was not of the specified subclass: sk.xxxxx.A
> (Discriminator: 1   ); nested exception is
> org.hibernate.WrongClassException: Object with id: 4667772 was not of the
> specified subclass: sk.xxxxx.A (Discriminator: 1  )
> chyba sa objavi hned po vykonani findByCriteria.
> Ivan

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