Dave Long writes:
> > The 'for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines()' loop alone takes .30/.15/.06
> > seconds.  Once the split is done as well, the time becomes
> > 1.07/1.03/.02 seconds, so about 0.8 seconds is spent splitting those
> > lines into fields.  If that time weren't there, this version would be
> > roughly as fast as the awk version.
> Except that the awks I -pg'ed spent most of their time in reading
> lines and splitting fields as well, so in that world they'd be faster
> also.

Perhaps I should say "if reading and splitting lines were faster in
Python, the gap wouldn't be nearly as large".

> > > I have the problem that PPP at times doesn't completely come up...
> > Does ip-up run in that case?  I haven't had this problem myself.
> No, my bad.  My script dials up, exchanges mail, and hangs up, so I
> don't want it run any time the connection comes up, and invoke it
> manually.

Right --- that's why I wrote wfg, so I could easily and dynamically
attach and detach responses to the PPP-coming-up event.

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