Ha! That's awesome.  You don't look that old.

Thanks. I hope I'm not that old: it's a long story, part of a mis- spent youth, but essentially I had access to this stuff thanks to the relative vulnerability of PDP-11s at the time, not due to actually having been on the payroll for the project.

What did you use at the time to copy executables across?  MODEM7?

I don't recall anymore, but it was some sort of serial kermit-y kind of thing; it did work over modem lines as well as physical tty interfaces.

I haven't tried this myself yet, as some combination of Q, Freedos,
or laptop prevents me from entering ALT-numerics in the dos box.

If it's the laptop, have you considered getting a US$5 USB keyboard?
They're usually better than laptop keyboards, even if you aren't
attempting feats of keyboard bootstrapping.

That would have been a good idea. In the meantime, I've come up with the following bletcherous hack:

echo jUX4UPYhUUX5UTP_h@@Z0u1QZJ0u=0uCh//Z!UHhOOZ!UHkUHPG2UHhURX5UP2! hULX2!A> e.com

It's rather important to not leave any space between the end of the code and the > redirection, as it expects its input (2 characters in kragen-bootstrap hex format, hence the h//Z!UHhOOZ!UH fragment) to come immediately after the CRLF which echo appends to the code. In fact the whole thing is rather fragile as it has to do a certain amount of self-modification just to do any I/O, and I didn't feel like doing more to set up a loop. For that, we have the following batch file (for which I trust there's a suitable way to escape the redirections were one to actually compose the file via echo?)

@echo off
if (%1)==() goto done
copy e.com ex.com
echo %1 >> ex.com
ex.com >> a.out
goto loop

which then allowed me to generate your octal.com on the first try (8 octets at a time).


- int 21 AH=2 seems to mangle tabs; it might be wise to change the output path before anything in the bootstrap needs to generate 0x09 - if you look at this in DEBUG be sure to clear CX before starting. (did I mention the whole thing is rather fragile?)

[0] I have, once in my life, programmed (an application, not an
exercise) using front panel switches and the reference manual

That sounds like a lot of work.  What was the application?

"rolling" dice, when no dice were available but there was --probably left by someone's father-- a sort of demo board with an 8-bit cpu, a two-digit 7-segment display, and a hex keypad. It wasn't that much work as the app was not very complex at all: it used a button press interrupting a counter instead of a prng to generate a result, but even so, by the time I had the code hand-assembled, toggled in, and debugged, it had taken enough time that actual dice had simply been acquired from someone else's home.

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