Can an approach like this be extended to parsing more general
context-free languages? I feel sure that it can, but the way my mind
works, I’d have to work out the details on a specific language.

Seems likely, given that the reverse of a CFL is also a CFL, and we have the following general argument:

Jeremy Gibbons, "The Third Homomorphism Theorem"
The *Third Homomorphism Theorem* is a folk theorem of the constructive algorithmics community. It states that a function on lists that can be computed both fro left to right and from right to left is necessarily a *list homomorphism* -- it can be computed according to *any* parenthesization of the list.

In other words, if it works as either a fold or a foldr (eg. operator precedence), it will (can be made to) work as a parallel prefix.

Note that, even if it is possible, often languages are more convenient to parse forwards than backwards (and then there's APL, which I believe is more simply processed backwards than forwards). I wonder if the enclosed clauses of Algol-68 (, do...od, etc.) were explicitly meant to be just as easily parsed in reverse, or if it was simply a side effect of eschewing arbitrary choices?


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