I could lose my cellphone, and it doesn't provide much metadata about
when entries were added, so I'd like to keep its phone book in CVS.

I had a program to dump the phone's phonebook before, but it got lost
when my disk crashed back in September.  I wrote this version this
morning in a hurry.  Loading the numbers back into the phone uses
at#pbokw commands, which I don't remember the syntax of, and hope I
never have to.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $modem = '/dev/ttyS0';
# these were the settings stty thought interesting enough to report
# after I exited minicom, and they work, but they're probably
# excessive.
system "stty 19200 ignbrk -brkint -icrnl -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten 
-echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke < '$modem'" and die "stty failed";
open MODEM, "+<$modem" or die "Couldn't open $modem: $!";
select MODEM;
$| = 1;
select STDOUT;
print MODEM "at#pmode=1\r";
my $junk = <MODEM>;
  my $cleanupstring = "\rat#pmode=0\r";
  sub cleanup {
    syswrite(MODEM, $cleanupstring);
    die "\n";
$SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{HUP} = \&cleanup;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&cleanup;
sub expect_ok { 
  my $ok = <MODEM>;
  die "bad ok $ok" unless $ok eq "OK\r\n"; 

for my $i (1..229) {
  print MODEM "at#pbokr=$i\r";
  my $echo = <MODEM>;
  die "bad echo $echo" unless $echo =~ /^at#pbokr=$i/;
  my $line = <MODEM>;
  if ($line eq "OK\r\n") {
    print "No phonebook entry $i\n";
  } else {
    print $line;


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I 
don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer 
to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson

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