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This is a very simple [milter]( implementation
in pure Python, including a sample milter.  I'm using this to filter
spam under Postfix on, which is Bad and Wrong
for several reasons:

1. I could do the same thing more easily with sender and recipient
2. Postfix's "policy service" interface is about a thousand times
   saner than the Milter interface, and performs the same job.
   Writing to the Milter interface does mean that you could, in
   theory, use this with other MTAs that support milters.

But maybe it will be useful for somebody.

About Milters

Milters are a way to reject or modify mail before it goes into the
mail queue.  I care about this because it lets me bounce spam to its
real sender, not the forged from-address on the mail, so I don't
become part of the backscatter problem.

I'm using the sample milter to bounce unauthorized mail to some
Mailman mailing lists, on a machine with Postfix, so that our server
doesn't generate backscatter.  I'm probably going to switch away from
it shortly because it turns out Postfix has a built-in feature that
does more or less the same thing.

"""Very simple pure-Python milter implementation.
Copyright (C) 2008  Kragen Javier Sitaker 2008

> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> (at your option) any later version.

> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> GNU General Public License for more details.

> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Sendmail includes a `libmilter` but it has some disadvantages:

- `libmilter` is 2800 lines of C code (according to `sloccount`) with a
  poor security record, and its intended use is handling data that's
  so untrusted that you won't even deliver it as email;
- 2800 lines, which is 4100 physical lines, is a lot bigger and harder
  to audit than the 300+ lines in this program;
- `libmilter` wants to own the main loop of your program and spawn
  threads; neither of these are particularly compatible with Python,
  modern versions of Perl, or many other frameworks; and threads are
  not particularly compatible with good programming practice either,
  especially in C.  (However, this program uses threads in the same
  way as `libmilter`.)
I'm implementing this from Todd Vierling's wonderful protocol
documentation, 'The Sendmail Milter Protocol, Version 2', version 1.6.

I use it with Postfix 2.3 with this configuration:

    smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:1112
    milter_default_action = tempfail

See <> for details.

My own purposes are fairly simple, so this is a very limited

At this point, this program represents about six hours of work.

Problems and Future Work

- the program doesn't recognize that `<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>`
  is the same as `<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>` and just `<kragen-tol>`.
- it doesn't rotate its logs
- it doesn't use syslog
- it's not sure about whether it's called mailman-milter or minimilter
- it stores its configuration file in `/usr/local/minimilter` instead of
- it uses its own `ok` instead of doctest.
- it uses `while 1:` instead of `while True:`.
- uses `input` as a parameter.

Solution to the syslog problem suggested at

    import logging, logging.handlers

    logger = logging.getLogger('a_name')
    hdlr = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(filename)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')

This doesn't seem to work though; the logger just discards messages
passed to it.

I am thinking about checking addresses against Mailman lists:

    from Mailman import MailList
    mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=False)
    addrs = mlist.getRegularMemberKeys() + mlist.getDigestMemberKeys()


import struct, sys, thread, socket, cgitb, StringIO, time

def ok(a, b):
    "One-line unit testing function."
    assert a == b, (a, b)

def log(msg):
    print "%s %s" % (time.time(), msg)
def debug(msg): pass
#debug = log

## Basic constants.

class smfir:
    """Namespace for reply codes."""
    addrcpt, delrcpt, accept, replbody, continue_ = '+-abc'
    discard, addheader, chgheader, progress, quarantine = 'dhmpq'
    reject, tempfail, replycode = 'rty'

class smfic:
    """Namespace for command codes."""
    mail, rcpt, optneg, quit, abort = 'MROQA'
    macro = 'D'

## Decoding packet contents: generic data handling.

# `dispatch_message` looks for a decoder it can call with the packet
# data and get back an args tuple to apply the appropriate method to.
# Format objects represent binary data formats; they have a "+" method
# that lets you concatenate them, and you can .encode() or .decode()
# to convert between tuples and binary data.

class TooManyValues(Exception):
    "Signals that you've asked a Format to encode more things than it can."
class Incomplete(Exception):
    "Raised when you try to decode an incomplete data structure."

class Format:
    "Base class for parsing objects."
    def __add__(self, other):
        return Concat(self, other)
    def encode(self, args):
        encoded, extra = self.partial_encode(args)
        if extra: raise TooManyValues
        return encoded

class Remaining(Format):
    """Sucks up remaining data as a string."""
    def width(self, val): return len(val)
    def decode(self, val): return (val,)
    def partial_encode(self, args):
        return args[0], args[1:]
remaining = Remaining()

class AscizMultiple(Remaining):
    "Parses a bunch of null-terminated strings as a string list."
    def decode(self, val):
        return (val.split('\0')[:-1],)
    def partial_encode(self, args): raise "Unimplemented"
asciz_multiple = AscizMultiple()

ok(asciz_multiple.decode("asdf\0fd\0c\0"), (['asdf', 'fd', 'c'],))

class Concat(Format):
    """Parses the concatenation of two data structures."""
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a, self.b = a, b
    def decode(self, val):
        width = self.a.width(val)
        return self.a.decode(val[:width]) + self.b.decode(val[width:])
    def width(self, val):
        awidth = self.a.width(val)
        return awidth + self.b.width(val[awidth:])
    def partial_encode(self, args):
        a_encoded, a_extra = self.a.partial_encode(args)
        b_encoded, b_extra = self.b.partial_encode(a_extra)
        return a_encoded + b_encoded, b_extra

class _uint32(Format):
    def decode(self, val):
            return struct.unpack('>L', val)
        except struct.error, e:
            raise Incomplete(e)
    def width(self, val): return 4
    def partial_encode(self, args):
        return struct.pack('>L', args[0]), args[1:]
uint32 = _uint32()

ok(uint32.decode('\0\0\0\3'), (3,))
ok((uint32+uint32).decode('\0\0\0\3' '\0\0\0\4'), (3,4))
ok((uint32+uint32+uint32).decode('\0\0\0\3' '\0\0\0\4' '\0\0\0\6'), (3,4,6))
ok((uint32+uint32+uint32).encode((3,4,6)), '\0\0\0\3' '\0\0\0\4' '\0\0\0\6')
ok((uint32 + remaining).decode("\0\0\0\4boo"), (4, "boo"))
ok((uint32 + remaining).encode((4, "boo")), "\0\0\0\4boo")

## Decoding packet contents: milter protocol data formats.

# I follow Vierling's terminology: the globs sent over the socket
# including the leading byte count is a "packet", and the content of
# such a glob (which begins with an opcode byte) is a "message".

smfic_optneg_format = uint32 + uint32 + uint32

class Milter:
    """An abstract base milter."""
    def smfic_optneg(self, version, actions, protocol):
        "Option negotiation."
        return 'O' + smfic_optneg_format.encode((version, 0, 0))

decoders = {
    'smfic_mail': asciz_multiple,
    'smfic_rcpt': asciz_multiple,
    'smfic_optneg': smfic_optneg_format,

class Abort(Exception):
    "Raised on SMFIC_ABORT; supposed to reset milter state."
class Quit(Exception):
    "Raised on SMFIC_QUIT; supposed to close connection."

packet_format = uint32 + remaining
def empacketize(val):
    return packet_format.encode((len(val), val))

def _dispatch_message(milter, message):
    # XXX I think the handling of zero-length messages here is okay:
    # The exception propagates up the stack and kills the milter
    # server thread, and hopefully gets logged.  The same thing
    # happens if a decoder below raises Incomplete.
    command_code = message[0]
    debug("message %r, %r" % (command_code, message))

    # XXX move these into the Milter object?
    if command_code == smfic.abort:
        raise Abort # XXX: do the same for SMFIC_BODYEOB?
    if command_code == smfic.quit:
        raise Quit
    if command_code == smfic.macro:
        return []

    map = {smfic.mail: 'smfic_mail',
           smfic.rcpt: 'smfic_rcpt',
           smfic.optneg: 'smfic_optneg'}
    selector = map.get(command_code)
    if selector is None: return smfir.continue_
    args = decoders[selector].decode(message[1:])
    debug("got message %r => %s%s" % (command_code, selector, args))
    return getattr(milter, selector)(*args)

def dispatch_message(milter, message):
    """Parse a message from the MTA and get a response from the milter.

    The message should already have its initial `len` field removed.

    XXX should this move into the Milter class?

    response = _dispatch_message(milter, message)
    if not isinstance(response, list): response = [response]
    return ''.join(map(empacketize, response))

ok(smfic.optneg, 'O')
ok(dispatch_message(Milter(), 'O' '\0\0\0\2' '\0\0\0\x3f' '\0\0\0\x7f'),
   '\0\0\0\x0d' 'O' '\0\0\0\2' '\0\0\0\0' '\0\0\0\0')

def parse_packet(buffer):
    """Given buffer contents, split off a complete packet
    if possible.

    Returns (packetbody, remainingdata) tuple, or raises
    # It's a little misleading that we use packet_format here --- the
    # actual packet may end before the end of the buffer.
    length, contents = packet_format.decode(buffer)
    if len(contents) < length: raise Incomplete
    # So we slice it here.
    return (contents[:length], contents[length:])

ok(parse_packet('\0\0\0\4abcde'), ('abcd', 'e'))

## Control flow of milter protocol.

def loop(input, output, milter_factory):
    "Run one or more milters against abstract input and output."
    buf = ""
    milter = milter_factory()
    while 1:
            message, buf = parse_packet(buf)
        except Incomplete:
            data = input(4096)
            debug("got %r" % data)
            if not data:
            buf += data

            answer = dispatch_message(milter, message)
        except Abort:
            milter = milter_factory()
        except Quit:
            debug("responding with %r" % answer)

_testresponses = []
_source = StringIO.StringIO(
    # this is a little dodgy because we wouldn't ever really get
    # multiple smfic_optneg packets
    empacketize(smfic.optneg + smfic_optneg_format.encode((2, 0x3f, 0x7f))) +
    empacketize(smfic.optneg + smfic_optneg_format.encode((3, 0x3f, 0x7f))) +
loop(, _testresponses.append, Milter)
ok(_testresponses, [
    empacketize(smfic.optneg + smfic_optneg_format.encode((2, 0, 0))),
    empacketize(smfic.optneg + smfic_optneg_format.encode((3, 0, 0)))])

# tests to make sure unexpected EOF is handled in some way other than
# just spinning.
loop(StringIO.StringIO("").read, "expect no responses", Milter)
loop(StringIO.StringIO("\0\0\0\1").read, "expect no responses", Milter)

# A test with real data from Postfix 2.3.8-2+b1
_realdata = ('\0\0\0\rO\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0=\0\0\0\x7f'
             'watchdog-qemu-image.local\0v\0Postfix 2.3.8\0'
_testresponses = []
loop(StringIO.StringIO(_realdata).read, _testresponses.append, Milter)
ok(_testresponses, [
    empacketize(smfic.optneg + smfic_optneg_format.encode((2, 0, 0))),
    '',                # no response for D (macro definition) messages

# test for commands with default handling (again, real data from Postfix)
_realdata2 = '\x00\x00\x00\x02DH\x00\x00\x00\x1aHthis-is-my-helo-hostname\x00'
_testresponses = []
loop(StringIO.StringIO(_realdata2).read, _testresponses.append, Milter)
ok(_testresponses, ['', empacketize(smfir.continue_)])

def socket_loop(sock, milter_factory):
    "Run one or more milters on an open socket connection."
    loop(sock.recv, sock.send, milter_factory)
    log("connection closed")

def threaded_server(port, milter_factory):
    "Run a threaded server on localhost."
    sock = socket.socket()
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    sockaddr = ('', port)

    log("listening on %s" % (sockaddr,))

    while 1:
        (conn, addr) = sock.accept()
        # XXX is there a chance of resource exhaustion here?
        thread.start_new_thread(socket_loop, (conn, milter_factory))
        del conn                        # for GC

## My specific milter.
# Eventually this should go into a file of its own.

class RecipMapMilter(Milter):
    """A simple milter that filters on allowed senders for
    some recipients.

    For recipients not in the map, all senders are allowed.

    For recipients in the map, only specified senders are

    This milter is not case-sensitive.
    def __init__(self, recipmap):
        self.recipmap = recipmap
    def normalize_addr(self, addr):
        """Add angle brackets to an address if they're missing.

        XXX having to call this explicitly is bug-prone.

        if not addr.startswith('<'): addr = '<' + addr
        if not addr.endswith('>'): addr = addr + '>'
        return addr.lower()
    def smfic_mail(self, strings):
        "Respond to a MAIL FROM: command."
        self.sender = self.normalize_addr(strings[0])
        log("sender is %s" % self.sender)
        return smfir.continue_
    def smfic_rcpt(self, strings):
        "Respond to an RCPT TO: command."
        recip = self.normalize_addr(strings[0])
        log("recipient is %s" % recip)
        if recip in self.recipmap and self.sender not in self.recipmap[recip]:
            log("rejecting recipient %s" % recip)
            return smfir.reject
            log("accepting recipient %s" % recip)
            return smfir.continue_

def _testRecipMapMilter():
    # unauthorized case
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.reject)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)

    # authorized case
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)

    # missing angle brackets case.  If a spammer's lousy SMTP
    # implementation fails to supply angle brackets, Postfix
    # 2.3.whatever passes along their lack of angle brackets to the
    # milter.  The milter protocol is lousy through and through.
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.reject)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)

    # Second angle bracket missing case.
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.reject)

    # case-smashing case
    milter = RecipMapMilter(
        {'<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': ['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']})
    ok(milter.smfic_mail(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.reject)
    ok(milter.smfic_rcpt(['<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>']), smfir.continue_)

def discard_stdout(thunk):
    "Temporarily redirect stdout to a bit bucket for testing."
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
    try: thunk()
    finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout


if __name__ == '__main__':
        _, recipmapname, port, logfile = sys.argv
        sys.stderr.write("usage: %s <mapfile> <portnum> <logfile>\n"
                         % (sys.argv[0]))
        sys.stdout = file(logfile, 'a')

        recipmap = eval(file(recipmapname).read())
        threaded_server(int(port), lambda: RecipMapMilter(recipmap))

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