This one you can run at 

It’s just a very simple widget built using jQuery UI, with a slider
and a text box. I’d like to get it to lay out nicely, but it doesn’t.

(Also, Beatrice and I were up late one night solving the equations to
figure out how to do this. I guess I ought to have remembered, but I

      <title>A triangle calculator with jQuery UI and &lt;canvas&gt;</title>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!--  <link rel="stylesheet" 
href=""; /> -->
      <link type="text/css" href="jquery-ui/themes/base/ui.all.css" 
rel="stylesheet" />
      <h1>A triangle calculator with jQuery UI and &lt;canvas&gt;</h1>
      <canvas id="triangle" width="300" height="300"></canvas>

      <div class="slider_with_display" id="a">A: </div>
      <div class="slider_with_display" id="b">B: </div>
      <p>(Calculated: <span class="calcb"></span>)</p>
      <div class="slider_with_display" id="c">C: </div>
      <p>(Calculated: <span class="calcc"></span>)</p>

      <p>Intersection coordinates: <span class="coords"></span></p>

      <script src="jquery-ui/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
      <script src="jquery-ui/ui/ui.core.js"></script>
      <script src="jquery-ui/ui/ui.slider.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        me = {a: 30, b: 30, c: 30};

        $.widget("ui.slider_with_display", {
          _init: function() {
            var that = this;
            // We use an <input> so that we can change its value
            // efficiently with .val().
            var display = $('<input size="3"/>')
             .css({fontFamily: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'})
             .keyup(function() { that.value(this.value) }); // permit editing 
by hand
            var update = function(event, ui) { display.val(ui.value); 
that._trigger('change', event, ui); };
            var slider = $('<div/>').slider({ step: this.options.step, slide: 
update, change: update });
            this.slider = slider;

          value: function(newValue) {
            return this.slider.slider('value', newValue);

        $.extend($.ui.slider_with_display, {
          defaults: { step: 10 }

        // find coordinates of bc corner of triangle, assuming ab is at
        // (0, 0) and ac is at (0, a)
        me.triangle_corner_coordinates = function(a, b, c) {
          var bsq = b*b;
          var x = (bsq - c*c) / (2.0 * a) + a / 2.0;
          var xsq = x*x;
          return (xsq < bsq) ? {x: x, y: Math.sqrt(bsq - xsq)} : null;

        me.redraw = function() {
          var canvas = $('#triangle')[0];
          var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
          ctx.fillStyle = '#ce827a';    // a warm skin tone
          ctx.strokestyle = '#863128'; 
          ctx.lineWidth = 1;

          var scale = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) / 100.0;
          var a = me.a * scale,
              b = me.b * scale,
              c = me.c * scale;

          var x0 = 10, y0 = 10;
          var x1 = x0 + a, y1 = y0;
          ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

          ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
          ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);

          var corner = me.triangle_corner_coordinates(a, b, c);
          if (corner) {
            var x2 = x0 + corner.x, y2 = y0 + corner.y;
            ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);

            var display = function(n) { return parseFloat((n / 
scale).toFixed(8)); };
            $('.coords').text('('+display(corner.x)+', '+display(corner.y)+')');

            var dx2sq = corner.x * corner.x;
            var dy2sq = corner.y * corner.y;
            $('.calcb').text(display(Math.sqrt(dx2sq + dy2sq)));
            $('.calcc').text(display(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + dy2sq)));

        $(function() {
          $('.slider_with_display').slider_with_display({ step: 0.1 });
          $('#a').bind('slider_with_displaychange', function(event, ui) { me.a 
= ui.value; me.redraw(); });
          $('#b').bind('slider_with_displaychange', function(event, ui) { me.b 
= ui.value; me.redraw(); });
          $('#c').bind('slider_with_displaychange', function(event, ui) { me.c 
= ui.value; me.redraw(); });
          $('.slider_with_display').slider_with_display('value', 30);

(End of `triangle.html`.)

This software is available via

    git clone

(or in <>) in the file

Like everything else posted to kragen-hacks without a notice to the
contrary, this software is in the public domain.

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