I don’t know shucks about statistics, but I thought I would toy with
some different random distributions to see how they behaved. Contrary
to my expectations, the sample median was never the more consistent
measure, and was often worse.

"""Different measures of central tendency have different variability.

And it depends on the distribution of the underlying data.

Some distributions are easy to characterize from a random sample.  If
your data is normally or uniformly distributed, you can get a pretty
good estimate of the mean, which is also the median, after just ten or
twenty data points.

But some other distributions are not so well-behaved. The exponential
distribution is a common one. Its median is well to the left of its
mean.  Does the sample mean or the sample median have greater
variance? I hypothesize, without actually doing the math, that the
sample mean of an exponential distribution has proportionally greater
variance, and therefore the sample median is a better measure to use,
if you have to pick one.


from __future__ import division
import random, math, sys

sample_mean = lambda sample: sum(sample)/len(sample)
sample_means = lambda samples: map(sample_mean, samples)

# wrong for even samples, but close enough:
sample_median = lambda sample: sorted(sample)[len(sample)//2] 
sample_medians = lambda samples: map(sample_median, samples)

uniform_sample = lambda n: [random.uniform(0, 1) for ii in range(n)]
expo_sample = lambda n: [random.expovariate(1) for ii in range(n)]

def standard_deviation(sample):
    mean = sample_mean(sample)
    return math.sqrt(sum((x - mean)**2 for x in sample)/(len(sample)-1))

uniform_samples = lambda n, m: [uniform_sample(m) for ii in range(n)]
expo_samples = lambda n, m: [expo_sample(m) for ii in range(n)]

def compare(n, m):
    print "%d samples of %d items each:" % (n, m)
    print "Uniform:",
    describe(uniform_samples(n, m))
    print "Exponential:",
    describe(expo_samples(n, m))

def describe(samples):
    means, medians = sample_means(samples), sample_medians(samples)
    print "standard deviation of mean %.2f (mean mean %.2f), of median %.2f 
(mean median %.2f)" % (standard_deviation(means), sample_mean(means),
                   standard_deviation(medians), sample_mean(medians))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    compare(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))

(End of `variance.py`.)

Example usage:

    : kra...@inexorable:~/devel/inexorable-misc ; ./variance.py 10000 20
    10000 samples of 20 items each:
    Uniform: standard deviation of mean 0.06 (mean mean 0.50), of median 0.11 
(mean median 0.52)
    Exponential: standard deviation of mean 0.22 (mean mean 1.00), of median 
0.24 (mean median 0.77)

This software is available via

    git clone http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/inexorable-misc.git

(or in <http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/inexorable-misc>) in the file

Like everything else posted to kragen-hacks without a notice to the
contrary, this software is in the public domain.

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