Programmers like to talk about how concurrency (multithreading, etc.)
makes code more complicated. And sometimes that’s true. But there are
a few areas where concurrency actually makes things simpler; the
“samefringe problem” is one classic example, but the “telegram
problem” is another one.

The “telegram problem” is to refill paragraphs, so as many words as
possible fit on each line, like the Unix command `fmt`.  Here are
solutions with and without using Python’s built-in “generator” form of

"Telegram problem, aka fmt."
import sys

words = lambda line: line.split()
width = lambda buf: sum(len(word) for word in buf) + len(buf) - 1

def telegram_generator_1(infile, maxwidth):
    """A purely procedural version that doesn't use generators internally.

    This is what you get if you're writing a conventional procedural
    program to solve the problem by imperatively producing output


    buf = []
    for line in infile:
        while width(buf) > maxwidth:
            n = len(buf)
            while width(buf[:n]) > maxwidth:
                n -= 1
            yield ' '.join(buf[:n])
            buf[:n] = []
    yield ' '.join(buf)

# XXX what to do if a word is wider than the line?
def telegram_super_cool(infile, maxwidth):
    """Here's a totally generator-oriented version."""

    buf = []
    for word in (word for line in lines for word in words(line)):

        if width(buf) > maxwidth:
            yield ' '.join(buf[:-1])
            buf[:-1] = []

    yield ' '.join(buf)

class IteratorBase:
    def __iter__(self): return self

class telegram_super_cool_explicit_cps(IteratorBase):
    """Here's an explicit iterator implementation.

    I wrote this from telegram_super_cool above, twiddling it a little
    to reduce excess complexity. It's remarkable how much excess
    complexity still remains.

    def __init__(self, infile, maxwidth):
        self.infile, self.maxwidth = iter(infile), maxwidth
        self.buf = []
        self.done = False
        self.buf2 = []

    def next_word(self):
        while not self.buf2:
            self.buf2 = words(
        return self.buf2.pop(0)
    def next(self):
        if self.done:
            raise StopIteration

        while True:
            except StopIteration:
                self.done = True
                return ' '.join(self.buf)

            if width(self.buf) > self.maxwidth:
                rv = ' '.join(self.buf[:-1])
                self.buf[:-1] = []
                return rv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for line in telegram_super_cool_explicit_cps(sys.stdin, 72):
        print line

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# contrary, this software is in the public domain.
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