# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Command-line Twitter screen-scraping client.

This is approximately the simplest possible Twitter client.  It
depends on the Python standard library plus lxml, PyQuery, and JSON.

A couple of problems remaining:

- Because it doesn't store the cookie, it goes through the login
  process every time, which takes about 30 seconds.

- Consequently, if you run this often, you may end up having to visit
  the Twitter web site manually, log out, and log back in to answer a

This version currently just uses the nicely-structured HTML you get on
the Twitter home page when you're logged in.

Twitter's client hits URLs like
using cookies for authentication and identification and gets JSON
containing an `items_html` key, which is HTML with the same structure.

The `since_id` is optional, and you can also probably use `max_id` to
look into the past.

From that, we can do

    for item in reversed(['<%s> %s' % (PyQuery(t)('.username b').text(), 
PyQuery(t)('.js-tweet-text').text()) for t in 
 print item

Except that the PyQuery `.text()` method is broken and inserts
unwanted spaces.

If you forget to implement cookies, or if the server decides you might
be a robot, you get a message like:

> Hmm, hubo un problema con el servidor. ¿Volvemos a intentarlo?

Or sometimes:

> Hmm, there was a problem reaching the server. Try again?

Friends at Twitter: Please don't break this program on purpose.  Users
have the right to run whatever software they want on their own
computers, including to access your service.  (I have no objection to


import re
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2

import lxml.html
import json
from pyquery import PyQuery

def q(bytes):
    return PyQuery(lxml.html.document_fromstring(bytes))

usage = """Usage: %s filename
filename should contain your username and password, one per line.

    username, password = [line.strip() for line in 
    sys.stderr.write(usage % sys.argv[0])

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor)
hellodoc = opener.open('https://twitter.com/').read()
authtok = q(hellodoc)('input[name=authenticity_token]').val()
print "-:- got authtok", authtok
assert authtok, hellodoc

print "-:- logging in with username %r" % username
login = opener.open(urllib2.Request('https://twitter.com/sessions', 
    'session[username_or_email]': username,
    'session[password]': password,
    'authenticity_token': authtok,

page = login.read()
tweets = q(page)('.tweet')
if not len(tweets):
    print login.info()
    print page
    print q(page)('.modal-body .embed-overlay-content').text()
    print "something went wrong, see above, maybe try logging out of and into 
the site with a browser"

def get_text(element_list):
    """Slightly fixed version of the reader case of pyquery.PyQuery.text.

    The original code fucks up your whitespace.  This code leaves it
    as is.

    text = []

    def add_text(elem, no_tail=False):
        if elem.text:
        for child in elem.getchildren():
        if not no_tail and elem.tail:

    for elem in element_list:
        add_text(elem, no_tail=True)

    return ''.join(text)

def htmltext(element_list):
    "Normalizes whitespace to a single space (as is normal in HTML)."
    return re.subn(r'\s+', ' ', get_text(element_list))[0]

for tweet in reversed(tweets):
    line = '    <@%s> %s' % (htmltext(PyQuery(tweet)('.username b')),
    # Not sure how the encoding gets horked, but it does, and here's
    # how to unhork it:
    print line.encode('latin-1').decode('utf-8', 'replace')

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