I'm responding to the question, "So how do I code up addition, or
anything where you want to take arguments other than this?", from
http://calculist.blogspot.com/2005/06/classicjavascript.html --- with
regard to Abadi and Cardelli's object calculi.

This is explained in a slightly different notation than Abadi and
Cardelli use for their object calculus.  I'm leaving out the syntactic
sugar I usually use in order to keep this explanation simple for those
who haven't read Abadi and Cardelli.

    {} is an object with no methods.

    self.foo = self.bar + 1 is a method whose definition is "call bar
    on the same object, then add 1."  Abadi and Cardelli write this as
    "foo = sigma(self) self.bar + 1".

    x.foo = x.bar + 1 is the same method (or, if you prefer, another
    method that behaves identically.)  This expression lexically binds
    the name 'x' within the method definition to the "self" parameter
    --- the object the method is called on.

    x{ self.foo = self.bar + 1 } is an override expression; it means
    "an object exactly like x, except that it has this new foo
    method," which is defined as above.

    I'll separate methods inside objects or override expressions with
    newlines or commas.

    I've also added new methods to objects in override expressions
    without restraint; you can rewrite this code so that it only ever
    overrides existing methods, as in Abadi and Cardelli's work,
    without much effort, simply by adding useless method definitions
    in objects whose descendants do this.

So here are booleans:

  booleans.true = {
    self.negated = booleans.false
    self.ifTrue = { x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.then }
    self.ifFalse = self.negated.ifTrue
  booleans.false = booleans.true {
    self.negated = booleans.true
    self.ifTrue = booleans.ifTrue { x.val = x.else }

If "hungry" is a variable that might be one of booleans.true or
booleans.false, we can say

  hungry.ifTrue{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

Suppose hungry is the above 'true'.  This resolves to

    self.negated = booleans.false
    self.ifTrue = { x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.then }
    self.ifFalse = self.negated.ifTrue
  }.ifTrue{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

and then

    x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.then
    x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" 

which reduces to

  { x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat", x.val = x.then }.val

Which resolves to 'x.then', with 'x' being the above-constructed
object whose 'then' is defined as "eat".  Supposing instead that
hungry were 'false'; instead we get

  booleans.true {
    self.negated = booleans.true
    self.ifTrue = booleans.ifTrue { x.val = x.else }
  }.ifTrue{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

If we expand out the booleans.true here, we get

    self.negated = booleans.false
    self.ifTrue = { x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.then }
    self.ifFalse = self.negated.ifTrue
    self.negated = booleans.true
    self.ifTrue = booleans.ifTrue { x.val = x.else }
  }.ifTrue{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

And then if we evaluate the first override expression, we get

    self.negated = booleans.true
    self.ifTrue = booleans.ifTrue { x.val = x.else }
    self.ifFalse = self.negated.ifTrue
  }.ifTrue{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

since the only method from 'true' not overridden in 'false' is
ifFalse.  Now we can evaluate the .ifTrue method call and get:

  booleans.ifTrue { x.val = x.else }{ x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" }.val

which expands out to

    x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.then
    x.val = x.else 
    x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" 

We can collapse the first override and get

    x.then = 1, x.else = 0, x.val = x.else
    x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat" 

and then the second, and get

    x.then = "eat", x.else = "don't eat", x.val = x.else

And that reduces to just 'x.else', which is defined as "don't eat".
This is exactly the same as the last reduction step for when hungry
was 'true', except that we inherited a different definition for

Now, for numbers.  A real implementation of this object-calculus on a
computer would use the CPU's rapid number-handling machinery rather
than implementing its own math primitives, and the method I am about
to explain is a terribly inefficient way of implementing them anyway;
its purpose is to demonstrate that the object-calculus can
theoretically perform any computable computation on its own.  The
following technique is just a transliteration of the lambda-calculus's
Church numerals.

Here's an object containing numeric primitives; I assume the earlier
booleans object is available under the name 'booleans'.

  numbers.zero = {
    self.isZero = booleans.true
    self.plus = numbers.sum { x.firstArgument = self }
    self.succ = self { 
      succ.isZero = booleans.false
      succ.pred = self 
  numbers.lessThan = {
    self.firstArgument = numbers.zero
    self.secondArgument = numbers.zero.succ
    self.val = self.secondArgument.isZero.ifTrue {
      x.then = booleans.false
      x.else = self.firstArgument.isZero.ifTrue {
        x.then = booleans.true
        x.else = numbers.lessThan {
          child.firstArgument = self.firstArgument.pred
          child.secondArgument = self.secondArgument.pred
  numbers.sum = {
    self.firstArgument = numbers.zero.succ
    self.secondArgument = numbers.zero.succ
    self.val = self.firstArgument.isZero.ifTrue {
      x.then = self.secondArgument
      x.else = self {
        child.firstArgument = self.firstArgument.pred

The above definitions should evaluate 

    numbers.zero.succ.succ.succ.plus { 
      x.secondArgument = numbers.zero.succ.succ.succ.succ

to the same thing as numbers.zero.succ.succ.succ.succ.succ.succ.succ.
But I may have made a mistake.

So the short answer is that methods often return an object not derived
from self, but some of whose method definitions are closed over self.

As I've implied previously (in "functional programming for amateurs in
an outliner", before I read Abadi and Cardelli's book --- thank you
David Gibson!) I think this is the theoretical underpinning for
dramatically more usable and productive programming environments.


> Abadi and Cardelli's object calculus is described in the first three
  pages of "A Theory of Primitive Objects" at
> "functional programming for amateurs in an outliner" is at
> "towards a modern programming environment" is at
> Also related is Jonathan Edwards' Subtext:
> And Wouter van Oortmerssen wants "abstractionless programming", the 
  same thing:
> And Dynamic Aspects' "domain/object" platform seems to be a larger 
  idea including the same kernel:

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