This is a rebuttal to the central claim of
It's an edited version of the comment I posted there.

Jones quotes John Carlo as saying, “This strain of swine influenza
that’s been cultured in a laboratoryis something that’s not been seen
anywhere actually in the United States and the world, so this is
actually a new strain of influenza that’s been identified,”.  Jones
asks, “Was this a slip-up or an admission that this new super-strain of
swine influenza was deliberately cultured in a laboratory and released?”

No, it is neither one. 

In order to sequence the genes of a virus to learn more about it, you
generally need to take a swab and then culture the virus from the swab
in a laboratory before doing the sequencing. That’s what he was talking
about. If you doubt this, don’t take my word for it; talk to anybody who
works in a pathology lab about what’s involved in identifying viruses.
Then you, Mr. Jones, should call the guy up and ask if that’s what he
was talking about (according to Google, the phone number of Dr. Carlo’s
medical office is +1 214-819-2023) and then issue a retraction.  Then,
in the future, you should call people up *first* to confirm your
speculations as to what they might have meant *before* you publish
articles accusing them of being complicit in suicidal mass murder

Kragen Javier Sitaker
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