Hi Gary, Many years ago a friend of mine acquired,(in a trade), a "stock" KR
with trike gear and wood wings and turtle decks, even the canopy frame was
wood. As I recall the builder, (completely unknown to me), used about a
3/32" or 3mm birch plywood, over wood ribs, bulkheads, stringers, etc. He
was quite the craftsman. I lost track of it and even tried to find it again
years later, but never did. I recall we did a weight and balance on it and
I'm pretty sure it was fairly good for weight. No reason why it would not
work and be perfectly fine. Lots of work to get all the ribs just right.


After looking in the archive, I didn't find results for wood wings.  Has
there been discussion about wood wings similar to that of GP4 or Tailwind?
Has anyone done this?

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