Larry Flesner wrote:

> My name was already in the "name" box.  I changed it slightly and clicked 
> the "change" button.  We'll see what happens with this one.

Well...I'm dumbfounded on that one.  Your name is certainly there where it 
should be.  Looks like some experimentation is in order.  The other cases of 
"no name in the box" have no name in that field, but your mileage suggests 
that adding it may not least not immediately.  We'll see how it 
works.  Either way, this is a pain already!  And this goes to show me that 
going off half-cocked is never a good idea.  I should have done the 
experimentation first, and complained later.  For others, a signature in the 
message would be helpful, as well as the usual trimming of previous posts 
and footers, etc...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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