Hello Hennie,

You don't have to put that engine in a KR. If that opportunity came my 
way, I would take advantage of it even if I did not have a use for the 
engine. There is certain to be an opportunity for some old-fashioned 
horse trading somewhere along the line...


On 5/8/2014 11:42 AM, Hennie van Rooyen [HQP Alloystream] via KRnet wrote:
> Hi gents,
> Thank you for your reply. Mark, I hear your point & will give it some serious 
> thought. When you look at my pics, you'll notice the builder made the 
> ailerons inboard only and full width to the rear spar. I'm sure I can convert 
> that into flaps and ad outboard ailerons. This would not be so much to lower 
> the stall speed, but to add drag during landings.
> Peter, I'll keep in mind what you've said. If I could have the ABSOLUTE 
> engine of my choice, it would have been the 6 cyl Jabiru. Unfortunately those 
> do not come cheap.
> Fact is, IF I can get this deal, it would be just too good to let it pass. 
> Never in my wildest dreams did I think for a moment that I could lay my hands 
> on such an engine. IF!!! this deal goes through, I'm willing to adapt. I'll 
> say no more for now as everything depends on the outcome. I was caught 
> completely off guard today and my mind is still spinning endlessly. I just 
> wanted to know the pros & cons to make a more educated decision for the 
> moment. This would be the closest thing to REAL flying I've yet come to in my 
> life. Yes, I have a great many hours in ultralights, but as you know you can 
> go nowhere in those. The odd Koala (Fischer FP404) and Mizer I had were the 
> closest and then they could only do 75mph max in cruise.
> Anyways, all the best everyone,
> Hennie van Rooyen
> Peter wrote:
> Hennie; Continentals need to be run at 75% at cruise, or they can burn oil. I 
> added a quart an hour in my IO-470 because I ran at low power too much of the 
> time. Also, how will you transfer that much torque to the airstream if you 
> are limited to a 55 inch prop? HP=T x RPM Peter
> Mark wrote:
> Hennie van Rooyen wrote:
>>> I am able to lay my hands on a good 160hp Continental engine, complete
> with prop & running. What is the heaviest & most powerful engine ever put in 
> a KR2? I see it weighs 297 lbs compared to the 227 of the Corvair.<<
> The "world's lightest KR" project sure didn't last long!   I had this same
> conversation with a newbie on the list a few weeks ago.  His goal, like so 
> many other of us cheapskates who build KRs, was to fly in and out of a short 
> strip on his own property, dodging expensive hangar rent.  The problem with 
> the KR is that it's a very slippery plane, so landing burns up at least twice 
> as much runway as takeoff, if not more.  You can get out of places that you 
> can't even land at, which is problematic.  Being light is good...it means a 
> low stall speed, but if you add an extra hundred pounds of engine, you're 
> stall speed will climb, and your landing glide will extend due to the higher 
> speeds you'll have to land at, and you'll need even more runway to land.  If 
> getting in and out of short strips is a concern, you need the lightest engine 
> you can live with (and afford), not to mention "real" flaps and a bellyboard. 
>  Landing is your limiting case, not takeoff, so the extra power hurts your 
> overall mission goal, not helps it.
> Having said that, I'm a big fan of more power, but short strips demand 
> compromises, and engine weight is one of them.  If you have several thousand 
> feet of runway at your disposal, it's not so much of a concern...unless you 
> have to dead-stick it in a small hayfield someday...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> ML at N56ML.com
> www.N56ML.com<http://www.N56ML.com>
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  • KR> Heaviest engine Hennie van Rooyen [HQP Alloystream] via KRnet
    • KR> Heaviest engine Chris Kinnaman via KRnet

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