Finally done with the Colt and flew .7 today.  Now on to the KR again.  But
first, todays lesson will be that no matter how hard you try you will miss
something.  My flight today after 10 months of work was anything but uneventful.
 The small oil leak turned into a big oil leak.  Good thing I am staying right
over the airport and flying oval tracks.  Oil cooler line was dripping a little
but I couldn't find the source.  Oh well lets go fly it and maybe the leak will
stop.  It only got worse.  In 45  min I lost 3 qts that mostly resides on the
belly of the plane now.  Lesson...find and fix the damn leak.  The second thing
was that if you know a plane and then make a change,,,in this case I added about
40 Hp.  Then you should expect to relearn the plane...I was not expecting all
the torque and extra right rudder I was going to need.  While learning that
lesson I fail to notice that I had no airspeed  by time I looked at it I was
half way down the 1900 foot runway.  Oh and 40 extra ponies make things happen
faster too.  So I decided we were going flying even with airspeed stuck on 0.
 Flew fine for 45 min and watched the oil pressure slowly slip down...down...
down, at 50 psi it was time to land.  Time to make an approach and see how thing
felt since I only have 1900 feet.  First  approach looked good so I went around
and came on in.  Finally something that went as planned and the landing was
uneventful.  Turned out that when we reskinned the belly we forgot to open the
static tubes.  A hot soldering iron fixed that.  So even though we had 3 people
(1 was an IA) working on the plane we all missed that static vents.  The oil
leak was all my fault as I backed off a 45 deg fitting to get it to line up with
my oil line.  So even though we try hard to think of everything.  We always will
miss something.  If were lucky, it a small something that does not become life
threatening.  Now back to that KR.


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