I was able to use Aeropoxy in weather similar to yours, however it did take
several days before it would cure hard with no stickiness. Might even take a
week. In my opinion, the better epoxy to use is West Systems with the fast
hardener in cooler temperatures.  It is available through Aircraft Spruce.


Rob Schmitt
KR2S N1852Z

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at list.krnet.org] On Behalf Of Dubi Gefen
via KRnet
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2015 1:40 AM
To: krnet at list.krnet.org
Subject: KR> Glassing at low temp

Hello Friend

I am preparing my aircraft to painting so now I am glassing the surface area
of the wings and also the fuselage.

My problem is the temperature of environment. 

The temperature in Israel drop down less than 53F and the glass is not
getting hard.

Could you suggest other type of epoxy?

Now I am using PR2032 Aeropoxy

Best regards Dubi Gefen

 <mailto:Dubi_g at maanit.org.il> Dubi_g at maanit.org.il

 <http://www.dubigefen.50megs.com/> http://www.dubigefen.50megs.com/


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