Kyle, please contact me off-line at dprich01 at Thanks

Dan Prichard
Portland, Oregon

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 5, 2015, at 2:26 PM, Kyle Gonterwitz via KRnet <krnet at 
>> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> I ordered plans August 9, 2014, I joined the forum around that time too.
> About three weeks later, I inquired about NVAero in a way that rubbed some
> people the wrong way, including the former NVAero proprietor.
> I think there are some forces in motion that are interested in taking over
> the business, I would recommend to wait and see what happens with that and
> the KR world.  Or you could always buy someone else's project and hope for
> the best.
> As for me, I asked for and was hoping for a refund, I'm not sure if I will
> get plans or a refund or anything at this point, and that is not a good
> feeling.
> What I have learned is you must be patient with your KR2 expectations, plan
> ahead - if you want to order something be prepared to wait like a year for
> parts or plans. On the other end of that order is a guy in a garage with a
> bunch of expensive tools and raw materials, and he might have a couple
> other jobs too.
> -- 
> Kyle Gonterwitz
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