Paul Visk wrote:

 >>Mark Langford, Larry Flesner and Phil Hill flew in this weekend for a 
visit. While they were here we attach my fwd spars. I really appreciated 
the help guys. The experience and knowledge was first rate.<<

Hey, we just did it to FLY somewhere, and the free lunch, of course! 
Anytime I can put 5.3 hours on the plane on such a gorgeous day, it's a 
good thing.  Paul, Larry, and Phil did the work.  I just took pictures 
and offered commentary from the peanut gallery.  I can verify that 
Paul's dihedral is likely more accurate than most.

On the way back, I was able to do some more flight testing and gather a 
lot of data, including a glide back to my home airport from 11,500' with 
the engine at idle.  I also discovered that my oxygen saturation rate at 
9500' is 91%, compared to 98% at my normal 800' elevation.  Apparently 
most people don't get into cognitive problems until it's far lower. 
Just for kicks, I started breathing a little deeper and in a minute or 
so got it up to 97%, which is something I'll keep in mind in the future. 
  Yes, I do have an O2 tank, and carry it when I expect to fly high, but 
just in case, knowing that deeper breathing can help if I suspect I'm 
getting ditzy is a good thing.

See enclosed image of the spar work, and the real workers...

Mark Langford
ML at

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