On 09/18/2015 10:27 AM, Jeff Scott via KRnet wrote:
> Also, for those interested in an inexpensive ADS-B In solution, there is a 
> lot of buzz on the EAA web site about building an ADS-B weather and traffic 
> receiver for $120 using Raspberry Pi. 

I threw a dual band version of this together last weekend.  I haven't
flown with it yet, but it seems to work well.  I was watching airliner
traffic fly overhead on the iPad running WingX.

There are even free plans that you can download to 3-D print a nice case
to put everything together.

If you are going to build one, I'd recommend going with two of the
radios so that you can watch both 978 and 1090 Mhz bands.  The radios
are only $22 each so not a great additional expense.



Dj Merrill - N1JOV - EAA Chapter 87
Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ - http://deej.net/sportsman/
Glastar Flyer N866RH - http://deej.net/glastar/

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