At 04:58 PM 9/23/2015, you wrote:
>So, no one wants to wade in on the thrust line on the fire wall for a KR2
>huh. No Aeronautical engineers out there.

I'm sure there are.  I'm not an engineer but my opinion is very 
affordable. The plans place the thrust line basically in line with 
the top longeron as others have stated.  Do you plan on making major 
changes from the plan or why do you ask?  Moving the thrust line 
considerably above or below that line could / will cause greater 
pitch changes with power changes when compared to a top longeron 
thrust line.  Few aircraft designs place the thrust line low because 
of prop ground clearance but many have a very high thrust line like 
the Kolb, challenger, and others.  These designs are quite flyable 
but the pilot must be aware and respond to major pitch changes with 
power changes.  An inch or two above or below the top longeron in a 
KR  would probably have little noticeable effect with power changes 
but, like I said, I'm not an engineer.  And like I said, my opinion 
is affordable.  It cost you nothing at all. :-)

Larry Flesner 

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