I installed a UMA 2 1/4" MP gauge in my KR when it was new.  It's currently 
$159 Aircraft Spruce Part # 10-11250.  I use it primarily for fine tuning the 
throttle settings at altitude.  It's just another tool for monitoring the 
engine performance.  Seems to me that I used a primer nozzle to tap the 
manifold to keep it from leaking too much in the off chance the line to the MP 
gauge failed, broke or fell off.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> Off and on I've looked at the Stewart Warner gauge, 2.25 diameter.  It's
> my current choice unless I come across something better.  Van's sells one
> that looks better (appearance), for about 30% more than the SW.  But
> reliability reports on it and other Van's-branded & sold instruments are
> not generally good.  There's some other relatively inexpensie MP gauges
> in the car world that look colorful and might work but staying away from
> that.  I've got a useless vacuum gauge I want to replace with an MP
> gauge.  
> Appreciate any pointers or thoughts about the subject or if anyone has
> something for sale let me know please.  2 1/4 hole.  Doesn't need to be
> lighted. 
> Mike
> Laser147 at Juno.com

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