
Here's a quick report on a flight I made down to my father's grass strip 
yesterday, which is 80'x3600', and not a bad place to fly out of. I'm 
sure I didn't use half of it, either landing or taking off. There are 
trees on one end, and it's uphill toward the trees, so it's pretty much 
a one-way strip that works quite well.

On the trip down I was burning 3.4 gph while doing 145mph True AirSpeed 
at 7500' on a nearly "standard" day.  That's 43mpg, and getting there 
pretty quick.  TAS is irrespective of head or tailwind, so this is a 
repeatable result.  The trip was completely uneventful otherwise, except 
the hazy skies allowed me to wander all over the place.  I need an 
autopilot to keep me on course and at altitude!

See enclosed photo for a nice view of the grass strip, with N891JF ready 
to go. The strip is situated between three lakes.  See for a better view of that.

Mark Langford
ML at

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