The "smoke in the plane" thread reminded me of Doug Steen's story. Some 
of y'all know Doug from the Gatherings and SNF/OSH.  He flies the Cirrus 
and a Tailwind now, but earlier it was a V-tail Bonanza and a Luscombe.

He was flying from somewhere like VA down to Deland FL in his Dragonfly 
(or Quickie, or whatever) at high altitude.  Along the way, he developed 
an exhaust leak, that eventually knocked him unconscious.  His plane ran 
fine and straight without him, until it ran out of fuel somewhere over 
central Florida.  While he was still unconscious, the plane hit the 
ground at a survivable angle, but injured his legs substantially, which 
to this day gives him a slight limp.

The funny thing is that if he'd had more fuel, the plane would have 
flown longer, and he probably would have died of CO poisoning.  As it 
was, when the engine quit and the plane crashed, he eventually woke up, 
and survived it all. He's the only guy I know whose life was saved by a 
plane crash...

Mark Langford
ML at

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