Brian Kraut wrote:

> Ifly 720.  I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
> took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
> very fast on it.  I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
> that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
> phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time.  I also
> noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
> tablet 

Right on all counts!  Mine probably takes well over two minutes to boot,
and the touch screen isn't as sensitive as in iPhone, which may be by
design.  And the absence of an on/off switch is unforgiveable, as is the
absence of at least a tiny battery to get you through cycling other
power on or off for a few seconds.  The other biggie is the super glossy
screen.  It just doesn't work well in a plane with a canopy. I had to
buy another touch screen for mine for $120 after relatively little
usage, but the previous one had a non-glare sheet over it.  I may have
even bought the non-glare thing...I forget, but I'm looking for another
one now.

Other than these nits, it's a great unit, but the conclusion I've drawn
is to run it on an iPad, which can be bought used for under $100, and
you get the best of both worlds.  iPad hardware is pretty dang reliable
and trouble free.  I'm using my daughter discarded after many years of
hard use, and everything on works like the day it was new.  And what a

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"

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