Turn OFF auto updates.That's the only way to stop it from what I've heard at 
?Bill Jacobs Daytona Beach, Fl. 

    On Saturday, June 25, 2016 12:06 PM, Larry Flesner via KRnet <krnet at 
list.krnet.org> wrote:

Microsoft users BEWARE !!!!!!!

I purchased a refurbished laptop last September so I could get one 
with the Windows7 OS.? During updates last week in stuck in the 
Windows10 upgrade. Damn!!? At the end of the upgrade I declined the 
"terms and conditions" and it said "o.k., we'll put it back to the 
original OS.? Well, because I had a "legal" version of Windows7 
Professional from a third party, it didn't reload and crashed my 
laptop.? After an hour on the phone with Microsoft they said my only 
option (when I was able to understand the non-English speaking rep) 
was to have them repair it for $99 or a one year maintenance 
agreement for $199.? Your @ss !!!? I received a disk with Windows7 OS 
from the remanufacture but it didn't totally restore to what I had 
before.? No drivers for my 3.0 USB ports, etc.? It is now on it's way 
to the re manufacturer (under warranty-free shipping) to be put back 

If you don't want Windows10, be very cautious of upgrades they want 
to put on your computer.? Read each step carefully.? When I get the 
computer back I'll have to totally restore all files and programs as 
before, more hours of wasted time I could be flying.? With 50% of 
Microsoft users still running Windows7 you'd think they could take a hint.

Larry Flesner? 

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