KR netters
I have recently been working on my canopy frame. Today while trying to sand the 
foam inside the frame I was using a 3" PVC pipe with sandpaper attached to sand 
a concave surface. The pipe was too long for what I needed so I thought of my 
inflatable sanding drum. I inflated it until it was bulging then used it as a 
hand tool. This worked very good and I can see where it would be very good for 
any concave surface such as wing to fuselage areas. My inflatable sander is 
from Shopsmith and I used it extensively building my stick grip and in other woodworking projects 
and now for sanding foam. I'm sure it would work on any wood lathe. Link below 
for anyone that may be interested. I have checked one other woodworking supply 
and it was about the same price as 

Robert J. (Jack) Cooper
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

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