It's clear that a tailwhell endorsement is not required by FAR part 61.31 if
you hold a pilot certificate,  but under certain circumstances, without one,
you could be violated under part 91.13.  Recent flight experience of part
61.57 certainly applies.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ross Youngblood" <>
To: "Brian Kraut" <>; "KRnet" <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: KR>Tailwheel Endorsement

> My opinion on this topic is that there seems to be a loophole with
> respect to the tailweel endorsement with an Experimental aircraft.
> I think this a result of allowing an "Experimental" aircraft to be
> somthing entirely new, where their may not be a flying example of
> such a craft.   For example, assume someone developed a vertical
> takeoff and landing aircraft using some new technology.  Then you
> could build it and fly it and be within the FARS -- Experimental.
> However, since the KR is a conventional aircraft, and the "intent"
> of the regulation on tailwheel aircraft is for the pilots safety,
> I think it is not too much of a leap to assume that it is in your
> best interest to have an up to date tailwheel endorsement in your
> logbook before flying.
> Also a pilot attempting to maintain "currency" in a KR with a tailwheel
> should observe the regulations with respect to full stop landings.
> I'm not saying that you have to, but if you do, there would be no
> question in the case of an accident over the FAR's.
> If you do have an incident in your KR, in my opinion, you want to
> be in as much a position of strength as possible.  If you have your
> tailwheel endorsement, and you have followed flight advisor recommendation
> on transition training, you will be seen as a careful pilot.  And that
> would in my opinion help you out in case of some other human error that
> could happen.
> Thats just my 2 cents.
> What this thread sounds like is the following:
>   "Hey, it looks like there is a loophole that will save me about $700 on
> flight training before I fly my KR".
>    Probably.

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