
I had to cut a space out of the foam for the fuel level sender.
I replaced the foam back in the tank after cutting and a small piece
dislodged and went through the fuel line to the pump.

Dave Mullins
Nashua, New Hampshire


>Sorry to poke my nose in, but an idea just popped into the "little gray cells" 
>(Hercule Poirot, BBC Murder Mysteries).  If the Facet got plugged (with 
>anything really) and that forced a Baja Bug down, and other netters advocate a 
>70 micron filter between tank and pump, what does it matter?
>It is nice to stop debris from getting into the pump by means of a filter, but 
>the REAL "fly in the ointment" is the shut down!!!  If we catch the debris at 
>the filter, and the fuel flow stops, guess what?  You got it!  The engine 
>stops.  At least I THINK it stops...
>Last I heard, engine outage was not a good thing, something to be avoided.
>Perhaps we should be interested in what caused the foam to come loose in the 
>Baja??  I'm not at all against the filter, but I really would like to treat it 
>like life insurance.  That filter is for someone after I die, and I'm not 
>ready to die...   just yet.
>Call me persnikity, but I want all my protection up front!
>Sorry to be such a wimp.  Thanks for allowing me to vent (if that is what is 
>Richard Alps     Littleton, Colorado_______________________________________
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