No big deal, but a thought that may be maybe worth expressing.

My concern with pre-fab wing skins (any wing skins) is the quality of
bond with the spars.

We need to remember that the airplane is literally being picked up by
the skin of its wings (well 2/3 of it is).  That may not translate to a
great force per sq. ft - a typical KR has a wing load of maybe 10 lbs
/sq. ft.  At say 4G that is 40 lbs /sg Ft - so maybe 27lbs of actual tug
on each square foot of wing.

We know that the load distribution is not even over the entire wing and
the bit covered by the fuselage is counted, but carries zero aerodynamic
load, so some areas must handle a bit more - say 38 lbs /sg ft for those
parts in a heavy G turn /pull-up.

On the face of it, no big deal - that is a mild 1.3G load for a piston

Consider the KR wing structure (below the skin) and imagine dividing the
top surface of the wing into 1' x 1' squares and screwing a cup hook
into each square.  Turn it over and hang 38 lbs on each of the 80 or so
cup hooks.  How comfortable will we be with the bond between the skin
and the spar(s)?

How about coming back and hanging these weights on the wing after the
bird gets to be 20 years old and sees many great gatherings sitting in
the sun.  

The point is that the combined load is transferred to the wing structure
via a much smaller area - for a KR this is essentially the spars.  The
COP moves around a lot, but typical numbers would suggest that the main
spar carries the bulk of the load - particularly under high G loads when
the COP tends to sneak fwd - maybe even ahead of the main spar.

The typical, KR main spar (top surface area) amounts to maybe 2 sq ft.
that could well be carrying up to 700 lbs or more.  Still not a very big
deal, that is only 700/288 = 2.4 lbs /sq ft, but we do need to keep this
in mind when bonding the top skin.

With his wing skins DD suggests that we taper the spar in section only
and leave the plan view (width) constant for more glue area

Have a great Sunday
Steve J

Mark J - Yeeee Haaa (hee haw) ?????

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