Congrats, Pat!

......on your first flight! According to all the info on the KR net
regarding the VW 1835,  that's GREAT performance for that engine! I'm
also glad to hear that because I am going with a Hapi V/W 1834cc myself
on my '2s. I hope to duplicate, or come close to your figures, if I can
keep it as light as yours.

Excuse the pun, but was that with your pants on and cleaned up, or do
you still have that pending to do? (Please excuse) Can't wait till I get
as far as you've inspired me, and I'm sure other KR
builders;...Get out to the garage and get cracking on our own planes!

Again....nice going! Looking forward to your future reports.

Best wishes;

Paul Gangemi
KR2s, primed...eng. hanging  
Erie, PA

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