Timed today, with a second hand on the clock, at 3000' cruising at 135mph 
straight and level, I released the control stick for hands off flight. I did 
not touch the stick again until exactly 60 seconds had passed. Yes, one full 
minute of hands off flying and I could have gone longer. After about 40 
seconds, the plane descended 50' and then began a gradual climb to 50' above 
release altitude. It was at the end of that climb that I took control of the 
stick. I also tried hands off turns and it would stay in the turn just as it 
was when I released the grip with eventual gradual wing leveling. Way too 

Mark Jones (N886MJ...FIRST FLIGHT made 3-20-2005)
Wales, WI  USA 
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at   

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