I think that DUMBO used them with the GAW Airfoil, Virg

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 23:05:43 -0500 "Colin Rainey"
<brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net> writes:
> Not to put the project down, but I would think long and hard about 
> using spoilers for roll control in a KR.  I have known of several 
> aircraft that have employed them, and they had some unusual spin 
> recovery techinques to say the least.  Several pilots I know have 
> flown twins with them, one specifically the Mitsubishi model, and 
> had nothing good to say about the configuration.  There are certain 
> flight conditions where the spoilers just do not give enough roll 
> control response, and I personally would only use them for speed 
> control and altitude control, like the inboard mounted kind used for 
> slowing down, or altitude loss.
> Colin Rainey
> brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net
> EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

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