At 03:00 PM 2/8/2006, you wrote:
>I had my ASI checked out and it seems to be about 10 knots slow above 130
>knots, but is right on below that. Should I have it rebuilt or just keep in
>mind that I am 10 knots slow above 130? At the low speeds for landing it
>should be OK.
>Eric Pitts


I'm assuming that you're "check" was a bench check so it's probably the
ASI.  The only real question would be how much of a "rush" you'll get to
see another 10K's on the airspeed indicator in flight and what's that
worth. :-)  I'm with Mark J. on this one.  Your GPS and ASI will seldom
match in flight anyway due to winds .

Larry Flesner

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