The KR2 will bobble around a bit in rough conditions, but I don't think that 
any amount of tail surface would do anything to remedy that situation.  I 
believe that it is due to the short coupling.  I believe that the 2S improved 
on the short coupling, made it less short, and that is what made that situation 
less of a situation.


From: "Doug Rupert" <>
Date: 2006/03/23 Thu AM 09:48:10 CST
To: "'KRnet'" <>
Subject: RE: Jack Lambie comment;  Re: KR> Verticle stabilizer effectiveness

I have the book and I noticed that was the 2 not 2S. I believe the longer
tail moment of the stretch took care of that.
Doug Rupert
Simcoe Ontario

In Jack Lambie's book "Composite Construction for Homebuilt Aircraft" he
writes about flying with Ken Rand in the KR-2 - "The nose waggle when you
move the stick indicates not enough vertical fin area, but in general has a
nice responsive feel."

Ed Janssen

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