At 10:05 PM 11/24/2006, you wrote:
>Greetings:      I am currently ready to start the wiring, KR2S 2180 VW,
>Looking for assistance regarding placement of items on the firewall and
>a wiring diagram that is simple.    B.M. Valentine Duncan B.C.

For those builders that feel "electrically challenged" , keep it simple.
You don't have to have a one page diagram for the entire airplane.
Use a separate page or portion of a page for each circuit and draw
it as you do the wiring.  List each connection in the circuit such as
(main power buss, pin #1)  to (circuit breaker #1, pin 1) (circuit
breaker #1, pin #2) to (fuel pump switch, common pin) (fuel pump
switch, normally open contact) to (fuel pump +) (fuel pump -) to
(ground buss, pin #1).

You can later troubleshoot the circuit even without a drawing.  Make
the drawing or list of connections while you do the wiring.  If you
wait even till the next day you are likely to forget the exact routing.

Other than that, keep the high amp circuits such as battery to starter
as short as possible, and try to make all terminal strips and components
as assessable as possible.  Above all, don't feel bad when even with
your best efforts and reasoning, things don't turn out perfect.  There will
always be something that you could have done better.

Like you said, there comes a time when you have to stop thinking about
it and just do it.  Correct your mistakes as you go.

Larry Flesner

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