Thanks Brian Kraut.I have a friend that is an A&P and he makes house calls.He 
will work with me to keep it legal.Oh,he is also an IA.Those of you who want to 
know why I want to keep it legal,here it is.I don't sell many of my 
possesions,but if I have to,I wanna be able to get as much return as possible.I 
know it probably want be profitable.

Subject: RE: KR> c-85/0200 conversion

A run out 85 is worth about $2,000 to $2,500.  The conversion/overhaul
should cost you about $7,000.  You can spend a whole lot more on the
overhaul (up to about $15,000) if you pick the wrong shop or you just want
to un-necessarily spend a lot of money on all brand new parts.  You will
have an excellent engine for a KR when you are done.

Keep in mind that the STC for the conversion is about $250.  Other things
will also cost you more if you really want to keep the engine legal.  Get an
estimate for a full overhaul and for an "experimental" overhaul and weigh
the options.

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