Hey there Mark - Yeah Ive been laid back watching all the hubub as well.  I 
think that is why I shut down my TV and internet when I started building my 
airplane and just took good hands on advise from people I knew that build 
flying stuff.   I  remember the day I turned on the internet and Larry Koutz 
was trying to explain to someone that the reason I wasnt talking online was 
because I was building.  When I turned it on was the day I flew the first 
flight.  Something to be said about getting rid of distractions.  Well, it is 
450 hours later and I just got back from a nice flight with my next-door hanger 
mate that has a beautiful RV8.  We bored holes and shot some landing and flybys 
at local airports.  He still is finishing his 40 hours.  His DAR gave him100 
miles radius - can you believe?  I only got 25 and had only one other srtip to 
choose from for my test period.   But we had a blast.  Going to fly to a 
pancake breakfast in the morning with him - take Elaine along as
 well.  I may fly WW airplane there - I have it parked in my hanger right now.  
Flew it up from Massey this morning.   A nice flying 601!  Still like my KR 
more though.   
     Oh - make sure to put me down for the cadre of 35!  I be there Lord 
willing.   Wont have the twin but maybe some new info.  We shall see.  But I 
should see you at Oshkosh.

  Fly safe....Bill and 41768

Mark Jones <flyk...@wi.rr.com> wrote:
  Hi guys,
I have been kind of sitting back just reading the KR Net lately and not posting 
much. I have been so busy with major changes at work and am also in the process 
of selling my house, relocating to Stevens Point, WI, buying a house there, 
etc...etc...etc... Anyway, the reason for this post is to again start pushing 
and campaigning for another record breaking attendance at the annual KR 
Gathering. You new builders out there may not know much about the Gathering and 
if that is the case, you need to visit this web site ( http://krgathering.org/ 
) and make a commitment to attend. The subject line of this post says "35 for 
35th". This is the 35th anniversary of KR flight and our goal this year is to 
have a minimum of 35 KR aircraft fly in to the Gathering. If this is achieved, 
it will indeed be a record that has never been set before and that is to have 
35+ KR's together at one time. Just think what this will do for the future of 
KR aircraft. I am appealing to all KR builders and
 pilots to make this Gathering an event not to miss. I am also encouraging and 
begging all KR PILOTS with airworthy KR's to fly their plane to the Gathering. 
I just took a look at the pre-registration list on the Gathering web page and 
right now it does not look too bright. Only 16 people have registered saying 
they will attend and of those, only 8 of us have committed to flying out KR 
there. I am going to add some incentive to the mixture here.....If you commit 
to flying your KR to the Gathering and actually show up with your KR, you will 
receive a small engraved plaque that will be worthy of mounting inside your 
cockpit possibly on the instrument panel. This will be similar to the engraved 
plaques which are attached to trophies. I have not completely decided on the 
inscription and am open for suggestions. It should read something similar to "I 
flew my KR to the 35th CELEBRATION of KR FLIGHT, MVN". It will be done with 
taste and could even have your "N" added. There are
 only 5 months (160 days) till this event takes place and we need 
pre-registration and committed pilots. If you are a pilot who is going to help 
us achieve this goal by flying your KR to the Gathering, please register as 
soon as possible. Will you proudly display this plaque in your KR? I will and I 
sure hope you will too.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com
Search the KRnet Archives at http://www.maddyhome.com/krsrch/index.jsp
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Post photos, introductions, and For Sale items to 
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