I sent the post below to Corvair Net last night. Thought you Kr'ers may have 
some advice too.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Jones 
To: Corvair Net 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: Aborted takeoff.

This morning I arrived the airport at the break of dawn. I was looking forward 
to a nice flight in the 45° smooth morning air. My run up seemed fine. All 
indications were everything was good to go. I taxied onto the 5,800' runway and 
firewalled her. As she picked up speed I noticed my rpm was not getting above 
2600 and this is not normal for me. I usually see around 3000 on take off roll 
and will get 3250 on climb out. Something in my gut told me to abort, which I 
did. I called the tower and since I was the only one on the field at the time 
they said I could do a 180° and taxi back, which I did a high speed taxi back. 
I decided to take her to the hangar and do some checking. 

At 1000 rpm: Oil PSI 18 lbs, Oil temp 280°, EGT off low end scale, CHT 280°.

At 2600 rpm: Oil PSI 28 lbs, Oil temp 230°, EGT 1225°, CHT 270°.

Next I pulled the plugs: 2-4-6 were black sooty showing richness on that bank.
                                  1-3-5 were clean slightly white showing 
leanness on that bank.

Next I did a compression check:
1 = 80/76
3 = 80/70
5 = 80/70

2 = 80/76
4 = 80/77
6 = 80/77

Thoughts anyone?

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

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