I think a good scare is in order every once in a while. I have never flown
the same after I had my engine quite because of a factory caused mag failure
on my VW. Had it quit one other time doing a high speed flyby and pulling to
45 degrees and then banking 90 (uncovered the fuel supply hole). That was
stupid on my part. Luckily it started again by windmilling as I have no
starter. The mag problem happened over the airport. Mark and Mark, you guys
have nerves of steel to have snapped back from engine failures as fast as
you have.
I am always looking for a place to land from takeoff to touchdown. You just
never know when it could happen. Its been 3 year since the last incident and
I still can't get it out of my mind.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 4:59 PM, joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com <
joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> All the conversation is great on the subject and everyone is a benefactor
> of it. The only thing beyond the knowledge is the ability to process it at
> the right time and the fastest possible way. I have one very real engine out
> on take off and I consider myself very lucky (I often say I am the luckiest
> man I know).  Mark said 38 seconds from 500 feet. Think about just that fact
> alone. Time is not on your side for many of the things you could do. The
> only important things that first make sure you keep the wing flying then
> your decision where your going. There is not any time for changing your
> mind, There is no time for indecisiveness, The only thing anyone has going
> for them is their smarts and how they have planned for this event. I always
> have the event on my mind on take off and have a constantly changing plan
> based on decision points in the take off. BTW- I did intentionally use what
> I thought was min sink speed as soon as I made my decision (about 65 mph).
> My goal was to stay in the air as long as possible, even if that was only 1
> or 2 seconds longer.
> Joe Horton
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