That reminds me, isn't the KR Gathering next week? Jones, how many days?
Larry H.

From: Larry H.

 now you can have some real fun.
Larry H.

From: David Lininger <>
To: KRnet <>
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 2:37:01 PM
Subject: KR> Progress!

A few minutes ago I put my fuselage sides on the work table. "Big deal" 
you say? It is for me. We moved down here 11 years ago, and I didn't 
have a garage or shop. All I had was a storage shed, 8' x 12' out side 
dimensions. A year ago we finally got a garage with attached shop built. 
  While little interior finishing has been done, I FINALLY have a place 
to work!  I can actually walk all around the table AND I have lights.

My goal now is to put in at least a couple of hours each week during the 
school year, and more on vacations.

David Lininger, kb0zke
Rev. 2:10

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