
A few months ago I sent out a request for new KR photos to grace the KRnet 
website.  I got no replies, so I forgot to do anything about it.  But over the 
weekend I got an email from Steve Glover at SNF giving me a hard time about 
missing SNF, and that Joe Horton was having enough fun for both of us.  You'll 
have to see the top photo at to see what he meant.

And for those who think I didn't do everything I could possibly do to keep from 
missing my second SNF since 1993, I can only say that I worked 80 hours last 
week as the lead engineer on a proposal for a $560,000,000 job that would be a 
lot more fun than I'm allowed to tell you about, and I might beat that this 
week.  Even so, I had my plane packed and a change of clothes in the car and 
hoped to get out Friday morning early, but then the inevitable wrench was 
thrown in the works and it became obvious that I'd be clearly negligent to take 
24 hours off to go to SNF, despite dying to meet up with Joe, the Brits, and 
the rest of the usual suspects down there.  I'm betting the Brits are still 
there, waiting on the volcano to calm down.

Enough of that, go check out the picture at and give me a 
better caption (email direct to me, please).

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at 

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