
The Forum schedule for OSHkosh just came out, and the KR Builders and Pilots 
Forum will be at the usual time and place, 1:00-2:15 on Monday the July 26th at 
the GAMA Pavilion number 2 in the Forum Area.  No immediate plans yet...just 
stand up there and rant about KRs and answer questions 'til the time runs out, 
unless somebody comes up with a better idea (and I can be convinced of that).  
After we get thrown out at 2:15 we usually stand outside the pavilion and have 
a meet 'n' greet sort of thing, and this year I'm hoping Phil Matheson and some 
of the other Aussie builders/pilots will show up in time to make the forum. 
It'd be nice to have a night time get-together either the night before or the 
night after the forum.

On another subject entirely. I posted another cloud picture at the top of a few minutes ago.  It ain't bad for 
a bunch of moisture floating around in formation...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at 

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