Dave Dunwoodie wrote:

> It would be interesting to know how effective the tiny flaps are, from 
> several KR2 owners.

I'm probably not qualified to answer this, since mine's not a KR2, and my 
flaps aren't the "tiny" ones.  But Ken Rand was quoted as saying something 
like "I didn't know I needed flaps until after I installed them!".  I've 
heard Orma Robbins swear they made a worthy difference, and he installed 
them after he'd flown for some time without them.  Mine are something like 
54" long and are quite effective, as you might suspect, and the pitch change 
is way more than my little trim tab can handle.  I built my trim tab small 
because I thought I'd have the plane quite sorted out when it flew, but I 
didn't consider the effects of full flaps.

Some folks swear flaps are useless and you can do everything you really need 
by slipping it on approach.  My only comment on that is consider flaps AND 
slipping it with full rudder, which is how I do almost all of my landings at 
my 2600' long airport's runway.

I did some flying today testing a G-meter that Oscar Zuniga sent me, testing 
the air flow through my oil cooler, and my recently repaired altimeter. 
There was a decent sunset, but no clouds, so nothing worthy of an addition 
to the sunset webpage.  No progress on the plane otherwise, so it'll look 
just like it did at OSH (hideous) at the Gathering...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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