James Ferris wrote:

> OH BOY!!!!!!! He has a Wireless BLACKBERRY, Does he also have CHIGGERS????

Ok, here's another example of a totally uncalled for comment that has no 
place on KRnet.  First off,  this is a senseless flame aimed at one guy that 
shouldn't even been sent to the "target", much less 750 people who are here 
to learn and teach about building or flying KRs, or at least something to do 
with aircraft.  Secondly, folks who use iPhones and Blackberrys have no 
control over that line added to the bottom of their messages, as do many 
other folks with "free" or cheap email systems. And third, you just quoted 
the ENTIRE several hundred page digest back to 750 people.  Just to make it 
official, it won't take much more to unsubscribe you from the list 

I should go on and write the two pages that's been floating around in my 
head for the last two days, but I have way too much to do today to waste 
such nice weather writing it right now.  And I sent this to the whole list 
to put you ALL on notice that I'm sick and tired of the way you people treat 
each other...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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