Hello KR Netters;

Recently the Los Angeles County Tax Assessor's Office unilaterally and without 
documentary justification valued my KR-1 at $15,000 and have proceeded to tax 
at that rate.   I purchased this aircraft in marginal flying condition and paid 
substantially less than what they have valued the aircraft.  

As such ... I filed an appeal with the County of Los Angeles.   In my attempts 
to obtain documentary evidence to demonstrate the reasonable market value of  
KR-1 at the hearing, I have found that information regarding price and  sales 
KR-1's is scarce?

In an effort to sort this matter out and pay a fair property tax , I'm 
to those of you who own KR-1's to send me an email (off list) indicating what 
the approximate fair market value of your KR-1.   

Alternately it would be helpful for any of you to tell me what you think my 
is worth (in the blind).   It has a 2180 vw GP engine with 500 hours on it.  
Roughly 700 hours on airframe. (No Log Books) It has no electrical system. It's 
tricycle gear.   The Exterior and the Canopy are a 7 out of 10.  It has no 
transponder and the Radio is a Handheld.   

Any assistance on this will be greatly appreciated.

Marc Baca
East Los Angeles, CA

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