
The KR forum will be at the usual 1PM on Monday in the "GAMA" Pavillion 2 in 
the "Forums Plaza". See the inset in the top left corner of the map at .  

For those planning on flying into OSH, it makes a lot of sense to order the 
free "NOTAM" (how to successfully fly into and out of OSH during Airventure).  
It's a half-size book that's easy to manage in the cockpit, and they'll deliver 
it to your door for free.

Visit and fill in your 
address to order.  Too easy!

Also, don't forget to get a departure briefing on your way out.

Departure Briefing
All pilots departing on Runway 18/36 before the daily air show should have a 
departure briefing, available on ATIS (128.75), in the EAA AirVenture NOTAM, or 
in the Departure Briefing shack located east of the control tower starting at 7 
a.m., at the tent in South Aircraft Parking (Row 113), or from the roving 
briefer circulation through the South aircraft parking in a vehicle with a 
Departure Briefing sign.

Mark Langford
ML at

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