
As I sit reading another E-mail about putting a Jabiru on a KR, I thought that 
I should give you an update on my progress of getting to the next gathering.  
The situation that I am in right now is like a puzzle.  I have a plane in my 
garage, not a KR, an Ultra PUP.  That is another story.  Prior to going to the 
Gathering, I was helping a fellow EAA member and KR owner do some repairs. He 
purchased an older KR tri gear that needed some minor repairs.  That was 2 
years ago.  He asked me to help him with some of the repairs, glass work on the 
cowl, cracks on the canopy frame and cracks in the paint on the wings as well 
as some bubbles on the wings.  When I decided to go to the gathering, I called 
him and said that I would be able to help him, duh!! he offered some money for 
the fixes and me going to the gathering,,,, ,well it was a win win.  I got the 
cowl fixes done as well as the canopy frame and I primed and pained them prior 
to the gathering.  Since I got back I have been working on the wings, and let 
me say if you are going to use BONDO as a filler.....dont.  It will crack.  If 
you do, spend the extra money and get the good stuff.  Wal-Mart does not sell 
the good stuff.  What I thought were going to be easy fixes, could have been if 
I did not not like the person that I was doing the work for.  Several grinding 
disks later, and some micro filler later, the fixes were ready for the good 
body work.  I should have the wings in primer this weekend and ready for paint. 
 I found out today I need to help a family member move and will lnot be able to 
get the paint on this weekend.  I will find a night this comming week to get it 
With that said, I can focus on the plane in the garage and get a coat of paint 
on it and get it to the airport.  Snakebite will then have all of my attention. 
 I would like to have it back in the air before the new year.  

OK  lets hear the progress stories.

Lee Van Dyke

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