
Now that the sucky winter is finally over, the KRs are coming out to see
the world again.  Last weekend I met Joe Horton in Lewisburg, West
Virginia, for lunch.  We met halfway between his place in Pennsylvania
and mine in Alabama. We sat in the airport restaurant and talked for a
couple of hours, and got to log some KR time too!  

This weekend I met up with Jeff Scott and Larry Flesner in Bolivar, in
far western Tennessee, the center spot between Jeff, Larry, me, Mike
Sylvester, and Robert Pesak.  Mike would have been there, but was
parking planes at his home airport next to the Taladega race track, and
Robert was busy getting Roger Baalman some KR stick time.  We'll do this
again, maybe monthly or so, as it's a quick trip for all of us, and we
can sit around and talk KRs, aviation, and just about anything, with
good friends we've had for decades now.  Bolivar had a very
accommodating airport, an awesome courtesy car (pristine "police chief's
car), and a few decent places to eat nearby.  Lewisburg had a very nice
airport restaurant right there at the airport, but I'm not entirely
convinced that I didn't get food poisoning from the salad I had there. 
Whatever it was, it was good for four days off from work and now missing
from my life (drugs are a wonderful thing), so I'm not complaining!

My point is, the fact that Mike and Robert have recently spread their KR
wings and are all over the skies now, and Jeff is a lot closer in
Arkansas, we are now only an hour or two apart by KR time machine. 
Let's get some more KRs in the air, and have more "KR flash mobs"
showing up at local airports all over the country....and the world!  You
guys don't know what you're missing!  Don't be like so many KR
builders.....just not getting anything done, eventually selling it for
parts....get your butt in gear and do something constructive!

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"

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